This is today- popped out to see if we can buy a paddling pool for the balcony but ended up buying G&T for Dad and Ice Cream for all of us. Archie actually had sorbet but was soon on the beg for ours. Aiko had Chocolate and soo we found we had a Mexican son!! Gringo Henington!!

Here's Archie with Daddy's headphones- good training for those long flights/car journeys when we hope to put him in front of a DVD player with headphones whilst we get some kip (unless we're driving of course)

Whilst Mummy goes to have her scans sometimes Daddy looks after Archie at a nearby park.

I think his pride is intact but this is his "eee" pose- which sadly is one of our favourties- not sure who will be more embarassed abou this in the future him or us. Anyway to cut a long story short he does this pose and goes "eeee!" bizarre kid we know!

Archie down a nearby park, sporting a recent scab on his forehead...from jumping down 3 flights of steps- a favourite hobby of you can see from a previous video

Finally at his Japanese Granparents- just chilling...and looking a bit like a monkey

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