In the end it took 2 days of being induced and a great deal of physical effort from everyone in the delivery room (apart from me) to get Millie out.
She got stuck right at the last moment and it got very tense - The doctor was pulling the suction/ventuce thingy and the midwifes/nurses were pushing hard on Aiko's stomach to force the body out. Millie's shoulders got stuck so she was neither in or out but certainly in trouble so it was a huge emotion release when she came out. Aiko was in a lot of pain afterwards and is still recovering.
Archie is warming to her slowly as you can see but he wsn't best pleased when he first saw her. Aiko should be home next monday and then we can start to be a happy family....who don't sleep much. I'm already in training as Archie has been getting and poking and prodding me until I wake up- this morning I awoke to find him trying to push a roll of sellotape onto my nose!!!
Nice to meet Millie!!
I'm looking forward to seeing you someday.It is happy for you to have a wonderful brother Archie!
Take care.
Arigatou Shota mama. Sugo kite aite kudasai!
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