Despite the imminent arrival of baby No.2 and sweltering temperatures we decided to visit 'somewhere'. We recently bought a book of things to do in Kanagawa-ken (our county) and we picked Kodomo no kuni or Childrens Country/Kids land. Basically it's a large park which has a swimning pool, a 100m slide and lots of things to do for kids.

It also is on the end of a train line as well so all in all it's a very well organised (typically Japanese) place.
When you consider the cost of land and how houses are often squeezed in it's always interesting to see how these places manage to stay around.
It's only £3.00 to get in per adult so it's not at all pricey whcih is good news really as in typical Henington fashion by the time we decided to go, got ready and were on our way it was about 3pm... on the way we discovered it closed at 5pm.
We'll go again for sure and it's just as well as we only saw a few things and John is definitely up for the 100m slide and will be preparing a sheet of cardboard into some racing style device to prevent rear heat build up on the way down.
Also quite clear in these photos is that Archie certainly has his Dad's sweaty genes- even allowing for the high temperatures the boy is a sweat machine- aren't we proud....

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