It was a late start for this and we hadn’t planned it so rather a lot of confusion as we drove…somewhere! Eventually we agreed to go to the zoo but it was still quite a drive and is life ever that simple. As we neared the zoo we noticed a smell in the car. It was that familiar baby poo smell but when I turned round to confirm my suspicions they were more than confirmed we had a poo explosion and Mil

There then followed an hour of team cleaning – Aiko handled Millie by the side of the road (and Archie needed to go as well!!!arrgh) whilst John added to the weird westerner myth by washing seat cover in front of the nearest 7-11.
After all that happened we didn’t have a lot of time at the Zoo so we rushed round it as quickly as we could- We did ‘swim’ with the penguins and also saw a seal in a tube- fantastic!!
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