The weather then got worse (still very British) as a storm rolled in from the Atlantic- we had a couple of interesting nights in the caravan. It didn't blow away which was a bonus but with strong winds it was quite hairy to say the least and all the rain meant the the site got quite waterlogged- more about that later.

The visit to the caravan also meant we could stop by John's Aunt and Uncle and see his Gran- Millie's the second Great GrandDaughter so far neatly sandwiching the 3 boys that have gone before so I think Johns Gran was pleased to meet her!

Archie just ran around apart as usual not paying much attention to anything until the ham and cheese came out. Archie already was showing signs that he was pickign up a lot of new words although I am not sure the use of Brie is going to be too helpful for him!
It was great to see everyone but as was going to be the norm we couldn't stay too long and soon we had to leave for John's parents in Burton on Trent. The car ( a very nice Audi A6) was packed meticulously in the rain and finally after many typical Henington 'is the window open' moments we left....but not quite as first the car got stuck in the water logged grass- typical! After a lot of phones we were finally rescued and towed from the bog by a nice man in an Astra!!
Right off we go!!!
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