Sedatives - where would we be without them? it's not normal for us to give sleeping tablets to them but they were really annoying us so... NO thats just a joke... this was naturally induced. It was a scene we would see many times as we did spend a lot of time in the car!

Next was John Parents house; Archie enjyed himself here as Nanny and Pops have more toys than Mummy and Daddy....and they have a dog. Actually at first he was quite scared of Podge the Dog but within a day he was quite besotted and followed him around.
This was quite a relaxing time- the house was

made of brick which was a good step up from the caravan. It was nice to see Nanny and Millie hit it off- been a while since there's been a new girl in the family so it's a nice change from the boys who basically like hitting , pushing and jumping off things!
Of course we found time in between relaxing to go shopping and, whilst Archie amused himself with Thomas, John bought 8 cans of underarm deodourant- with all the toiletries we purchased they must

have thought we had serious hygiene issues. That would have been a bit embarassing to consider but luckily Archie distracted us by climbing into the window at Superdrug and pulling down a display poster....sorry!!! Then John left the credit card in the machine!!!...arrgh chip and pin novice!!!
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