Sunday 6 January 2008

Tomica Show

Nothing to do with the Tomica show but a sight that it a bit unusual outside of Japan (or maybe just unusual in the UK) Sitting behind this bike is a man who has collected just a few cans and isn't a good Samaritan on his way to the can bank at Sainsburys- I doubt he makes a lot of money and I think he should have danger money as he will no doubt get on his bike soon after this shot was taken- bonkers!
This blog is actually about our brief day out at the Tomica show in Yokohama. All in all it wasn't great- the show wasn't great, Archie was due his nap, John had a fever and probably the most disappointing of all was that the publicised train track tower was lots of small loops on top of each other not one continuous piece of spiralling track that the train went up and then down again....
even Aiko was a bit disappointed with this and no doubt John will be working on his own project from now on- see later posts for his (rather sad) progress!!!

Archie still was quite excited about it all and tried to climb through all the barriers and get really huffy when he wasn't allowed.

Thank god for that- we managed to get the obligatory bad family pose in there- phew...I thought we had blown it!!

This is a great photo as it means we are relaxing having a coffee or a cake or usually both- funny how when they're sleeping we're normally pushing the caffeine or sugar in!!!

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