As we're near to Tokyo we decided to go to Meiji Jungu near Harujuku in Tokyo and it was really really busy. There were loads of people and you had to queue to get in and it was like being in a football crowd leaving a cup final- but better behaved of course! You queued for all that time , threw a coin into a box, clapped your hands and that was it- Off for lunch and a beer!

Lots of Sake 'taru' (barrels?) on display at the shrine

If all else fails bribe him with Thomas and raw sugar!!!! Actually he didn't really like it and fed most of it to the adults!!

It was a clear day and we were able to see Fuji-san from our balcony- it's the white thing through the trees and electricity pylons!

Elder Kawanaka and Young Henington!

The Boys out for a bike ride- we bought that bike a year ago and he still can't work it- another year of saying he will grow into it!!!

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