The last times we have gone back to the UK there has usually been a wedding that pulls all Johns friends together for a lot of eating, drinking and late nights talking rubbish! This time we had to organise a one off event as no-one was getting married!
Thanks to some brilliant organising (by Charlotte) we secured Chorwell Hall nr Bath and had a great weekend.

There are some good cooks among us so we ate well and then in the evening we retired to the party room. Chorwell Hall had a Piano which was quite out of tune but that didn't bother Archie, Flo and the other children.
Outside in the garden was a good play area as well -
it was a bit chilly but a good way for the children to burn up some of that excess energy.....bit too tiring for John though!

On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny paid us a visit so there was a big egg hunt so having tired the children out we fed them chocolate to get them hyper again!!

Despite it being quite manic it was great to see everyone in one hit and fun to see all the children of different ages getting bar the odd incident of things getting out of hand. Meal times were certainly interesting-!

This was a first night bath with Otto- before Archie got carried away and almost took Otto's eye out whilst playing who can push the table football handle the most- Sorry about that!! Two boys in the bath a recipe for disaster- especially as Archie is used to a no holds barred wet room in Japan. A lot of towels and calming words got us through!!
We generally stayed around the house but on the Sunday we did find a local steam train to ride on and quickstop at a pub. Thanks to Uncle Marcus Archie even got to stand on a real train..whilst their backs were turned!!