Matt had been ill the night before so he volunteered to look after Alen AND Archie while John and the Henington girls went to Mashiko. To be honest none of us felt top notch but we made the trip anyway and after a bit of bad Sat Navigation we found the centre of Mashiko- a little town that specialises in pottery.
It was nice to take a stroll and it was refreshing not to have Archie with us- we could take our time for once. Despite the 10's of pottery shops nothing much took our fancy but on the way home we drove past an Antiques shop and, as they say, the rest is history...
Well we didn't really buy much but we will before we leave Japan or get more space in our place. Lots of old stuff, foreign and Japanese so we spent a good half an hour there- hey also had a great display of old Japanese toilets there as well.
In true Japanese fashion despite the fact we only spent a few quid there the owner still came out to make sure we backed onto the road OK- top Japanese service!
The only other point to make (aprt from apologising for John's pointless posing in the photos) is that we saw a man dressed a bit like Doctor Evil but who finshed his 'look' off by have an Acupuncture needle stuck in his head- bobbing around. We were too busy unloading chldrenadn laughing to get the camera out but if you hear of any tales of terror involving "lasers" in Japan you know where to look....
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