AJ's favourite animal are elephants at the moment . The Japanese for elephant is Zou and AJ calls them Zou-san. AJ was so happy to see a real zou-san and after that, every animal was called zou-san.... Archie also says peepo (Hippo) and also knows what a Giraffe looks like - although John thinks it has to be said 'Geee Raf' in an American accent.
Play spot the Elephant at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hV5JLgeroc can you see the Elephant like Archie can? Obviously his view was slighly less pixelated!!Up Up close and personal! See Archie is trying some groundbreaking communication with Elephants here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1DNYIzldDI
AJ with some birds of the feathered variety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKU1g27SVBg
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