Monday, 31 December 2007
AJ's tickle tackle
What do you think?
Millie - 4 months old

After a few false alarms where we wasted time filming she finally rolled over on the 22nd of December. Of course she then stares at the carpet for a while and then releases that's boring and then cries. Sure she'll soon realise that staring at the carpet is better than seeing her Bro'.
She also got her first tooth in December (24th) at the bottom front so she's a bit of a dribbler these days.

Friday, 28 December 2007
Christmas Day pt 2- 29th December!!!
Christmas Day pt 1.

Utsumoniya Trip- Twin ring Motegi

Utsumoniya Trip- Day out at Mashiko

Matt had been ill the night before so he volunteered to look after Alen AND Archie while John and the Henington girls went to Mashiko. To be honest none of us felt top notch but we made the trip anyway and after a bit of bad Sat Navigation we found the centre of Mashiko- a little town that specialises in pottery.
Utsumoniya Trip- Staying with the Cooks

On the first day we were treated to lots of good food , drink and also a music extravaganza

Bonenkai- End of Year Party

This night though we didn't have Matsuzaka beef as it wasn't available so we had even more exclusive Suzuka beef- the cow was called Kazu-chan and the paper shows her family history and also a nose print to prove authenticity. Very nice meat - even had raw (Sashimi) beef and it went down a treat under the careful guidance of George.
Whilst the meat was good it seemed that some people weren't too excited by the whole thing and one guy even managed to fall asleep at the table. Wish I had caught the moment where he woke and his elbows slipped off the table!!!
A few beers were consumed and then afterwards we went on to another ar or two and then teh more resposible of us decided to turn in- yes that includes John.
Henington Palace Facilities

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Millie's Song
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Football time

Just to prove their is life in the old dog yet John wheeled himself out for a game of 5 a-side footie for the office. However after approximately 43 seconds of play he discovered that there wasn't that much life in the old dog afterall and was soon looking for a gentlemens exit.
he then took the lead role in introducing the Japanese to the British way of play by shouting obscenities from the touch line - generally not understandable for most people although was certainly one of the loudest on the side lines. Came on again in the second half to put in some dubious challenges and underbreath comments critiquing the opponents game..
After losing the first game and a break I discovered I could run (in the loosest sense of the word) again and didn't appear to have a hole in my throat- which is how it had felt...We still the 2nd game lost though and it came down to a titanic 3rd game when I lasted 3/4 of the game and we scraped a draw 3-3 and then won on penalties.
If I was going to win any awards it would be for the most unfashionable, uncool trainers- black plastic look with red laces- what were they drinking when they decided that? still they were cheap!
Look ! I am practicing rolling !

By this age Archie had already rolled over, rolled off the bed etc but Millie is a bit more laid back and taking her time- like a lady!
Of course when she does get put on his back it's not too long before she gets restless but Archie tries to help by "entertaining" her with his large metal tonka toy- only a matter of time before we find an imprint of "AKNOT" on her forehead and track marks up her stomach!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Outlet village

Don't let the photos fool you- this was a classic trip out shopping for us. We achieved 10% of the tasks we had but with 200% effort and involving a lot of flailing arms and sweating- Sounds like John in his youth at some cheesy disco...come to think of it if he was brave enough now I think the picture would be the same but the arms would move slower.
This was Yokohama's outlet bayside village but in shopping terms wasn't that great. In letting your children get soaked on a December day by random jet fountain it was right up there. Most of the damage was done by parents egging their kids on to put their feet over the nozzle not realising (or did they?) that when the spray came it would spray anyone who was near. I did think about it but knew I would get told off....
In the end we had to sidetrack Archie by taking him on the train - John went as well and the girl who joined us didn't even pick up her tambourine for a singalong! Am I that scary? answers please...
Michael rowed the boat ashore, kumaya my lord etc etc
I can entertain you !
Brother & Sister
Love the Rain

Archie's always been a big fan of umbrellas although he calls them 'Ame' which means rain and he calls rain....err 'Ame' as well!
Also not sure if this carboot coat is waterproof yet but that sounds like a good project for Henington senior - still it does make for a colour co-ordinated outfit for Master Henington!