Thursday, 14 December 2006

Jenga cup

As you may know the competitive Heningtons always like playing games. We try to collect games when we go somewhere new as a souvenir or when we find something interesting.

We’ve recently got a very exciting game, Jenga, and are now having a game most of nights. For those of you who don’t know about Jenga, it is a game that you slide a piece of wood out from a tower and pile it up on top (as you can see in the picture) - the person who makes it collapse is the LOSER!!!!!.

We had our first game and John won but Aiko thought this was just a warm up.Yesterday, in our second game, we managed to pile up 29 stories ending with Aiko with the winner.

Aiko: Hooray!! I told you! I am warmed up now! But I have very sweaty palms….

As we try next game, our score will follow!

1 comment:

ananya said...

Jenga!!Yes,it was much fun to play this for me and daughter.I'm missing Jenga.