Monday 21 April 2008

It's AJ's 3rd Birthday!

What a day!! Well it was a long time ago now as we've got bogged down with life but Archie's Birthday was a big day for the Heningtons.

John took the day off and the big plan was a day at Tokyo Disney...Hooray!! It was a weekday and not even Summer but it was still pretty busy- not that queues for the big rides were a concern for us!!

Despite Daddy being a bit of a cynic it was a great day and we all had fun and ate a lot of caramel popcorn. Archie got on his first rollercoaster- From the queue below he was quite happy watching the scared people but once faced with the carriage he went very quiet and tried to run!...

The rest of the day was sadly missed as the camera ran out of battery power so the nightime parades are just our memories although we will go again!!! John wants to beat his high score on the Buzz Lightyear ride- to infinity and beyond!!!

Archie's Birthday also meant lots of cake and presents! There was a lot of Thomas so Mummy and Daddy got Spencer for his railway but he was a way behind his real steam Thomas with highly annoying jingle....we look forward to those batteries running out.

All in all it was a great Birthday and the first one that felt truly real with Archie- lets just hope he doesn't get more hyper from now till his next!!!

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